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Enhancing patient care


Intensive Care Unit

Intelligent Intensive Care Unit is an end-to-end remote patient monitoring solution that enables constant and unprecedented insight into patient health.

Automated Real Time Data Capturing

Allows accomplished intensivists to remotely keep a track on the status of many patients in ICU over a smartphone.

Unforeseen clinical decline can be detected earlier and onsite clinicians can be alerted to intervene timely.


Supple, agile and more cut-rate



Ensures continuous vital monitoring

round the clock


Ensures quality health care with

limited resources

Video conferencing

Video conferencing served as a useful alternative to a physical meeting with the potential as a supplement to physical visits.

It becomes less time-consuming than an in-person visit to the ward.


Safe & sterile communication

system for ICUs and Isolation wards


Wireless connections that allow

staff easily within the ICU


Simple to implement & use

without technical expertise

Data Integration Platform

Relevant use has been a pilot for integration between EHRs and medical devices from the beginning, when capturing vital signs for the patient.

But it was a robust inducement for hospitals to start automating the transfer of vitals from multiple system to avoid manual documentation into the EHR which may lead to data inaccuracy.

The integrated vital data can be used to intensify clinical decision support initiatives. CDSS requires vital results to comply clinical rule, one of which may state that if a patient has an elevated condition, then the patient might need to be attended.

Machine Data

Early Warning Scoring

Early Warning Score (EWS) are tools that utilize variation in vital signs to swiftly identify clinical decline in patients and escalate care consequently.

There are various strengths of the tool, which includes the coherence and potential to regulate communication and reduce inappropriate or detained alerts to the intensive care unit.

The before time identification of worsen patient condition is vital to reduce morbidity and mortality and boost durable prognosis alerting increased susceptibility to infections, end-organ damage, and death.

Early Warning Score (EWS) systems have been designed to help mark changes in patients' clinical status and escalate caution accordingly. In the outpatient setting, remote monitoring of patients has been developed to identify changes in clinical status.

Early warning score

Data Analysis and Decision-making Dashboard

A dashboard that analyses data in order to assist healthcare providers in making decisions and enhancing patient care.

The dashboard focuses on the use of knowledge management to acquire clinical advice based on a variety of characteristics associated with patient data.

The system facilitates integrated processes, provide aid during care, and make recommendation about treatment plans.

Data Analysis


CROs have the comprehension, potential, task and procedures that are needed to develop and run a successful clinical trial, while ensuring trial caliber and adherence with national and international standards.

Working with a contract research organization can offer inventive systems that can increase productivity, leading to decreased timelines and cost.

Finding out the right CRO to run your clinical trial is critical to the trial success.


ICU Cloud for Multi location

Medical data storage is censorious for successful data management. Healthcare organizations can use cloud solutions to store data which can benefit in many ways

Cleanse & standardize data

Cleanse &

standardize data

Identify & remove duplicates

Identify &

remove duplicates

Avoid potential manual mistakes

Avoid potential

manual mistakes

No storage limits


storage limits

Nurse App

Professionals in various fields progressively rely on their smartphones to keep in touch with their team. Many smartphone nursing applications and resources provide quick access to medical information and services.

These are among the apps, technologies, and information resources that deliver the benefits of tech innovations to nurses.

Nurse App provides immediate access to up-to-date information on medical procedures, tests, drugs, and diseases on devices.

Nurses can use the app to search the patient information and monitor patients' condition remotely.

Nurse App


In non-English-speaking host countries, language barriers may be even more serious for foreign-born inhabitants when looking for health information.

Multilingual information about health care is particularly important for holding up with the health of foreign-born populations.

Such global health edges are needed to address structural, linguistic barriers to health that persevere in non-English-speaking countries.



Multi-location availability makes it easier and more efficient to use. One can manage a single point of data storage to approach our smart ICU from a different location.

Single software

Single software for

multi-location facility

Real-time data reports


data reports

Seamless Integration



Easy to use

Easy to


Accessible from anywhere & any time

Accessible from

anywhere & any time

Vendor Neutral

The specification encourages the development of competing yet adaptable implementations and executions, liberating the purchaser to choose from a different vendors without suffering a loss of functionality.

Vendor-neutral specifications must be comprehensive, consistent, and either publicly available or licensed at a nominal charge.

Vendor Neutral